
southpole .....

Later: The Future
Earlier: Radio Waves

Sunday, Jan. 9 2011 1:50 a.m. UTC

Fire Sleds

Today most people on station have the day off; some 'Cubers are working, though — I’m taking it a bit easy to try to finally overcome the twin poisons of altitude sickness and paucity of sleep caused by the usual jet lag, lack of nighttime, noise on station, exhaustion, et cetera.

Yesterday a large group of us had snowmobile training, focused largely on the rules (helmets for all drivers & passengers always; 10 mph speed limit), how to inspect the machine before driving it, and how to start two different kinds of snowmobiles (pull-starters only — batteries really don’t work well down here, and you have to leave the machine idling when you get where you’re going, or you might not get it started again).

Hmm, something has come up which needs my attention, so today’s post will be short (I have to post it now before we lose satellite connectivity). Talk to you tomorrow.

Later: The Future
Earlier: Radio Waves