2025 - What I'm Doing Now1

  • Continued work for IceCube: embedded systems programming and communications testing for the IceCube Upgrade;
  • Fairly regular drawing and painting practice;
  • Playing with Common Lisp once again: working on three Lisp games;
  • Reading various computing books:

    • Marvin Minsky, Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines (fantastic fundamental textbook).
    • Lisp books

      • Siebel, Practical Common Lisp
      • Graham, On Lisp
      • Graham, ANSI Common Lisp
      • Barsky, Land of Lisp
      • Weitz, Common Lisp Recipes
      • Norvig, PAIP

2024 Projects

2023 Projects

Worked on my painting and drawing practice, including a series of self portraits. Worked as an independent software developer for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.

2022 - Sabbatical

Prior to September, 2022, I took a five month sabbatical from paid work. Here are some of the things I worked on:

2022 - Prior to Sabbatical

  • Implemented a Lisp in Go, with detours into Crafting Interpreters and Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
  • Learned the Go programming language. I've written a few modestly useful things and am really enjoying the experience after years of focusing primarily on Lisps and functional programming. Go emphasizes a different kind of simplicity than Clojure does, and it seems to occupy a sweet spot on the speed vs. power spectrum. I'm regularly impressed by how fast Go programs are, including the program used to build this site.
  • Learned some Mandarin (reading, mostly). I got my vocabulary up to about four hundred words. It's a beautiful language, and a slog to learn, but thanks to technology it is definitely possible!
  • Until late April, 2022 I was a staff software engineer at OppFi, where I wrote software (mostly in Clojure), mentored and taught other engineers, and tried to improve process, code quality, and architecture wherever I could. I spent nearly four years at OppFi, learned a lot, helped a lot of people, and am happy to move onto other things.

Prior Decades


Lived in Chicago. Finished last few South Pole trips. Stopped contracting for IceCube and worked in industry. Invested more heavily in art practice.


Lived in San Francisco Bay Area, then left LBNL at moved to Chicago, working for IceCube. Ran a few marathons and half marathons, went to the Pole several more times.


Graduated, worked at CERN for a year, then spent a few years in art school, then grad school in art and physics at UW-Madison. Finished Ph.D. 1996, then moved to Bay Area. First two trips to the South Pole.


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